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Lake Erie Walleye Fishing Report 6.1.22

Lake Erie Walleye Fishing Report
Here is your latest walleye fishing report from Blue Dolphin Charters out of Lorain, Ohio.
Welcome back everyone.
This past week has been nothing short of spectacular. The entire lake really turned on. I suspect that the rising water Temps really kicked things into high gear. We fished Lorain all week. From the Foghorn west to the Condo’s in 24 to 43 ft of water. Work the contours in those water depths and don’t be afraid to work them north to south and vice versa.
Programs that have worked for us:
Bandits 40 to 100 back.
Dipseys with Scorpion spoons. 3 setting. 35 to 50 back. 2 setting 25 to 35 back.
Speed 1.8 to 2.5 mph.
Colors: Bandits have still been chrome and white bases for us. Pink, Orange, and Chartreuse Bellies all have been great producers.
Scorpion spoons. Shrimp and Boy Girl have been very good.
The little bit of a surprise lately has been the amount of smaller fish in the system. 15 to 18 inch fish. It definitely shows how healthy our Great Lake is.
We are lucky. The thing I’m interested in the most is to see how it affects the migration patterns with the bigger fish. It should be interesting to watch.
That’s it for this week’s report. Good luck out there and enjoy this great catching!
Captain Gary Zart, Blue Dolphin
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