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Portage Lakes Bass Fishing “Report”

Portage Lakes Old State Park

We took our maiden voyage on Portage Lakes yesterday. It ended up being a short equipment check and test ride, as lightening drove us off the lake after only an hour on the water. After 15 years of living around the corner, I realize I have never posted about our home ramp at the Old State Park! This smaller, quieter alternative to the large ramp off of Manchester Rd. is located at the end of State Park Drive, off Rt. 619.  There are 55 parking spots, ample shoreline areas to fish, a covered pavilion available for rent, and clean bathrooms with flush toilets.  This ramp is more centrally located, with a shorter drive to East and West Reservoirs than the main ramp.

Portage Lakes water is stained and currently 49 – 50 degrees. The weeds are just starting to grow on the bottom in 5 – 8 feet of water.  We marked fish just above those weed clumps, but only threw a few casts as the storm clouds moved too quickly. We know there have already been a few “ice breaker” tournaments on Portage Lakes the past two Sundays, including season opener that weighed 4 fish over 5 lbs, with the Big Bass at 6.24 lbs! Only 49 fish weighed overall with 25 boats, however… it was CHILLY last Sunday! Nice to know the big girls are still hanging out here, though.

The Portage Lakes are heavily pressured Ohio lakes, but they continues to produce high quality bass year after year.  It is our home lake for a reason! We never fail to have a great time catching bass. We highly recommend it for a great day of bass fishing… and catching!

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