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5 Tips for Shoreline Fishing Success

Shoreline Fishing Tips

Shoreline fishing is one the most enjoyed recreational activities today.  Our polls show us that 41% of our readers fish from the shoreline. We certainly see why. Its easy to grab a rod or two and your tackle box and head off to the nearest shoreline for a relaxing day of fishing. To some of you, it might not even matter if you catch a fish! If, however, you are among the majority who is out there to feel the tug at the end of their line, there are a few things to consider for a successful day. Here are five tips to help you enjoy your next shoreline fishing trip.

First, Pack Light

Shoreline fishing often requires moving from spot to spot or long treks from the parking area to the ideal fishing holes. Lugging an excess of equipment with you can make it more of a huge hassle than a benefit. A couple rods, a small tackle box, snacks and water you can fit and carry in a 5 gallon bucket to sit on is about as simple as it gets. Its not an all inclusive resort, its a day of fishing.

Walk Around To Find Best Shoreline

While it may be instinctive to head for the “designated” fishing dock or cleared shoreline, resist the temptation and take a walk around the area you have access to. Look for areas with weeds, docks, logs or other structure close to the shoreline. Make sure there is ample space to cast, so not a lot of low hanging branches. Be willing to walk to the most remote spot. The less pressure from other anglers, the better.

Match the Hatch

When fishing from the shoreline, you want to downsize your lures to match the baitfish that live along the shallow shoreline. Choosing a similar color (bluegill, shad, etc.) can also be a helpful “disguise”. In farm ponds or smaller water, using live bait will attract more fish. It is closer to what they are accustomed to seeing. Plastic or hard artificial baits may spook the fish rather than attract them.

Cast  From Parallel to 45 Degrees to Shore

Once you find your spot, it may be tempting to cast directly out toward the deep. Resist that temptation. Most fish will live closer to shallow water and drops closer to shore where there are plenty of baitfish and structure. Opt instead to cover lots of water by casting parallel to shore. Gradually increase that angle to 45 degrees from the shore. You will reach any fish in nearby drop offs or outside weed edges.

Finally, Be Invisible

Rule of thumb: if you can see the fish, than it can see you. When fishing on the shoreline, wearing natural colored clothing is suggested to camouflage your appearance. Standing next to a tree or tall brush is another trick. The best way to fish is seated, so you have a lower profile. YOU don’t want to be the cause of the fish being spooked!

There are probably several more tips shoreline anglers could share. You will probably discover some secrets of your own for success! Just keep in mind that you are out there for fun and recreation and ENJOY the experience! I hope we meet along some shoreline to share fish stories some day.


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