Lake Info & State Management
Lake Milton is in Mahoning County. The lake covers 1685 acres of fishing water with 21 miles of shoreline at normal pool level. It is within Ohio Division of Wildlife District Three.
Location,Lake Milton is located in northwestern Mahoning County. The Milton Dam lies approximately one-half mile from the Mahoning-Trumbull County line. Interstate 76 bisects the reservoir. State Route 534 runs parallel to the lake along the east side. Youngstown is 10 miles to the east and Akron is 25 miles to the west.
Distance from Major Cities ~ 10 miles west of Youngstown. 25 miles east of Akron. Approximately 45 miles southeast of Cleveland. Approximately 120 miles northeast of Columbus.
Fishing Opportunities ~ Lake Milton fishing opportunities include: *Walleye *Largemouth Bass *Crappies *Bluegill *Channel Catfish *Smallmouth Bass *Brown Bullhead *Yellow Perch *White Bass* Suckers *An occasional Muskellunge. All of these species were stocked by the Division of Wildlife.
Boating Information,There is no horsepower restriction on Lake Milton. Two improved boat launches are available. The first is along the state park headquarters at Miller’s Landing off of Mahoning Avenue on the east side of the lake. The other is at Robinson’s Point off of Jersey Street. There is a marina on the lake off of Northeast River Road which offers seasonal slips.
State Management ~ The Division of Wildlife activities include monitoring fish populations ~ fish stocking ~ creel studies ~ general physical and chemical water quality analysis.
Lake Milton OH ~ Google Maps

Ohio Adventures ~ (we went fishing!)

Ohio Walleye Federation 2025
The Ohio Walleye Federation has a new captain in 2025 who plans on taking the OWF to the next level. Jason Fischer, who runs the Lake Erie Walleye Trail (LEWT) and the Lake

LEWT Early Birds ~ Sign Up is OPEN!
The Early Bird sign up for the Lake Erie Walleye Trail started on January 31 and will close on FEBRUARY 28th. If you’re a walleye fanatic, don’t miss out. The only way to earn Team of the Year points
Turn In a Poacher (1-800-POACHER)
Ohio’s Turn In a Poacher -“TIP” program – helps to curtail poaching throughout the state by involving the public in reporting wildlife violations. If you observe a wildlife violation, click here and submit the form online or print the form and mail to:
TIP Headquarters, Division of Wildlife
2045 Morse Rd., Bldg G | Columbus, Ohio 43229-6693
Or call the TIP toll-free hotline, 1-800-POACHER.
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