Ohio Fishing Lake Maps

All Ohio lake topographical maps are listed by regions shown. Within the five regions, lakes are listed alphabetically. Click the link to open a larger version of the map.Ohio Fishing Lake Regions Map

There will be additional lakes added to the listings as they become available.

Ohio Division of Wildlife Offices are listed below. Please contact them with any concerns or comments that you may have concerning your favorite lakes.

A special THANKS to the Ohio Division of Natural Resources, the Division of Wildlife and the Division of Watercraft for their hard work and dedication in providing Ohio sportsmen and women with boating safety plus excellent fishing & hunting opportunities!

Ohio’s Turn In a Poacher -“TIP” program – helps to curtail poaching throughout the state by involving the public in reporting wildlife violations. If you observe a wildlife violation, click here and submit the form online or print the form and mail to:

TIP Headquarters, Division of Wildlife
2045 Morse Rd., Bldg G
Columbus, Ohio 43229-6693

Or call the TIP toll-free hotline @

Better Half Tour - Couples Bass Fishing Tournaments
Better Half Tour 14th Season
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