Spent some time yesterday out on Lake Milton for the first time this season. The past couple of years, I have been surprised by how far behind in vegetation growth it is in comparison to a few other lakes around, like Portage Lakes and Mogadore. My typical Spring pattern along the shoreline reeds just wasn’t there. The reeds are barely coming up. Its mostly just dead ones from last year. Maybe fish still are still hanging around there, but none of them were biting what I had to offer.

The water temperature ranged from 56 in the main lake to 64 in cuts and deep bays. The water was dirty, with some mudlines in certain areas. There was a light breeze on a 65 – 71 degree day with blue skies. We found fish in the warmer water (60 – 64 degrees), not relating to any docks or laydowns, but more kind of in open areas in about 4 – 5 feet of water. I caught them on a very slow rolling 1/2 oz. spinner bait with double silver Colorado blades that  had a big thump. I used a bluegill colored skirt with a chartreuse minnow body. No trailer hook. Tried some topwater to no avail. My husband caught his on a red  football head jig with a crawfish body in green pumpkin. We didn’t catch many, but we got the skunk out of the boat for the season, as we blanked on Portage Lakes last week.

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